Author: Celine Delacharlerie


Singapore is one of the most innovative cities in the world. As elsewhere, retailers had to take measures and initiate an accelerated digital transformation to maintain their activity during the various phases of social distancing and confinement imposed by the government. This transition was made using technology, strongly encouraged by the government. The city of Singapore, which […]

Press Review Asia : Digital Transformation and Mobile Payment

This week's topics to look at for your next learning expedition: Digital Transformation and Mobile Payment Our press selection of everything business related happening around the world, for you to get inspired on where to go on your next learning expedition. We organise innovation learning expeditions to empower executives. Contact us to organize your learning expedition [...]

Xiaohongshu ou Petit Livre Rouge, la plateforme vidéo devenue e-commerce

La plateforme chinoise de shopping social transfrontalier Xiaohongshu (XHS), qui signifie Petit Livre Rouge (oui, celui de Mao), a connu une croissance rapide depuis sa création il y a 5 ans, attirant des investisseurs tels que Tencent et Alibaba. Cette plateforme axée sur le style s’est taillé une niche particulière au cœur de 100 millions […]

3 Challenges Limiting Learning In the New Workplace And How Some Companies Are Overcoming Them

Businesses are facing new challenges. They have to deal with new technologies such as blockchain or artificial intelligence, navigate competitive environments led by new powerful players such as Google or Amazon and thousand of startups trying to disrupt them.  These new challenges have created new headaches for companies as they struggle with upskilling employees in […]

A French MNC in the Energy sector explores Singapore smart city and its innovation ecosystem

End of February 2017, we organized a 4 days Learning Expedition for the Executive Comity of a French MNC in the energy sector, in Singapore.  The main objective was to present an overview of the innovation ecosystem of Singapore, and especially the measures implemented by the city-state in order to become a Smart Nation. “Singapore […]
